No, you can't. "Lord" is a style, not a title. There is no such title as "Lord." The closest is the "Lord of the Manor," which is the name for owning a certain kind of property - i.e., real estate, but, not actually land. But, that is an English thing - the same thing in Scotland is called a Baron.
And, owning land gives you no titles at all. That is a myth. The sellers claim that being a Scottish "Laird" is the same as an English "Lord." It isn't. And, owning 1 square foot would not make you a Laird anyway. A Laird would own a huge estate, with at least a village in it. And, each Lairdship is unique - the sellers of the 1 sq ft thing sell the same name over, and over again - making it even more bogus.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. It is TOTALLY illegal to buy or sell an actual title. Titles are an honour from the Crown, and are not for sale. The closest you can come is the Lord of the Manor (England), or Barony (Scotland), which do not make you a part of the Peerage at all. They are just real estate - like owning a house.